Jumat, 12 Desember 2008

Fighting back thigh pain

It is the problem of our modern societies, thigh pain disturbs the lives of millions people. How to manage the chronic thigh pain?

Question: Are there more thigh pain today than the last century?
Answer: We suffer more thigh pain in the last 100 years.
When talking about thigh, it means the entire upper leg region. This suffering is mainly due to a lack of muscular work. Our thigh muscle exercise is not enough, it supports less well for the vagaries of life.

Question: What are the main causes of thigh pain?
Answer: These are bad postures we adopt daily which are primarily responsible for low thigh pain. We no longer know how to stand right. Repetitive work is also a factor in thigh pain.
For example, a person who is at a computer all day, or a cashier, will hardly ever raise and move the thigh. Tensions build up on thigh muscle and then the pain is felt.

Question: Can we identify which people most affected by thigh pain?
Answer: Most people we meet, vulnerable to this type of conditions, especially those with low activity jobs. And women seem more affected than men.
Let us not forget the thigh pain may also be indicator of an underlying disease that requires medical monitoring.

Question: What treatments can be done on thigh pain?
Answer: Professional massage therapist is able to find a solution for each thigh pain case. But it is true that the application of heat can be beneficial, it is temporarily relieve thigh pain. Exposure to infrared, hot showers or heating patches that are sold in pharmacies ... Any heat exposure will result in the thigh muscles relaxation and dilated blood vessels, thus reducing the sensation of thigh pain. But these temporary remedies cannot treat the source of thigh pain, hence careful diagnose is necessary.

How to Treat Thigh Pain?

Whether your thigh pain is recent or long, here's how you can control the thigh pain. Rest, ice, compression and elevation. "Even athletes have adopted the following rules: rest, ice, compression and elevation, especially after they use the first day of practice," according to Robert Nirschl, doctor, assistant professor of orthopedic surgery at the Faculty of Medicine of the Georgetown University in Washington, DC When the thigh pain occurs because of overwork, relax the thigh for at least 48 hours so they can begin their healing process. During this period of rest, use of ice and anti-inflammatory drug "says Dr. Nirschl. The ice allows blood vessels to tighten, which eases thigh pain and relaxes the thigh muscle fibers that have strained when spasm. Wrap ice in a cloth and apply thin ice on the sore area for about 20 minutes.

Keep your medications handy. "Take aspirin or ibuprofen to reduce pain in 30 minutes," says Dr. Nirschl. If the drug does not react, see your doctor to discuss the problem.
"If your thigh muscles are not swollen, there's nothing better than a hot bath to relieve persistent pain or stiffness," said Dr. Davidson. The heat promotes blood flow to injured thigh muscles and can also reduce lactic acid, thigh muscle waste that accumulates in overworked thigh muscles and contributes to thigh pain. "If you can not take a hot bath, use a heating pad on sore thigh muscles for 15 minutes," said Dr. Davidson. For a prolonged thigh pain, a steam bath or sauna could allow heat to penetrate more deeply, "he adds.

Get massages. "H is a reason why animals lick their wounds," said Carol Warfield, doctor, assistant professor of anesthesia at the Faculty of Medicine at Harvard University and director of the Center for Pain Management at Beth Israel Hospital Boston. "A massage may help reduce pain," she says. In humans, massage a painful muscle could increase production of natural analgesic body, in addition to combat stiffness and restore movement. For best results, reheat the first place painful, then massage it gently. Stop massage if the pain worse.

Ointments to the rescue. "The sport liniments based menthol may cause a warming just under the skin, according to Christopher MacGrew, doctor, an assistant professor at the Department of Family Medicine at the Medical Center of the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. Make sure you do not use these creams together with heating pads or elastic tape, it could damage tissue. The combination of heating elements with those creams can also cause severe burns.

What is Thigh Pain?

Last Saturday, you spent the whole morning to paint the ceiling of the kitchen. Then in the afternoon, you played ball with your nephews. You would feel very good on Sunday, then you decided to clean the garage. You feel in great shape by doing these activities, but on Monday morning, your thigh muscles have tell you very clearly that they do not like to be treated that way. Unfortunately, they have only one way to communicate their displeasure: thigh pain.

Think about it, your thigh muscles you can not write a word you say: "I constantly overworked and leaves me a little rest! However, thigh pain is a clear message and precise. If you take the time to know what is happening inside the thigh muscle, it would be easy to understand why thigh pain is so bad. After the thigh muscles pushed to its limit, the thigh muscle fibers begin to tear. Thigh muscles that are greatly overworked may have hundreds of small tears.
Burnout is not the only cause thigh muscle pain. If your thigh muscles hurt all times you might suffer from what doctors call fibromyalgia. This simply means pain in the fibrous muscle tissue. Fibromyalgia can be so painful that you would get a good night's sleep.

Some doctors believe that fibromyalgia is triggered by thigh muscle stress, injury or illness. Others believe that a sedentary lifestyle and muscle tension causes play an important role. "The muscles are moving," said Paul Davidson, doctor, assistant clinical professor of medicine at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of California at San Francisco and author of Chronic Muscle Pain Syndrome. When locked, especially when you're sitting at your desk all day, for example. They may tend to become quite painful. Then it triggers a vicious circle: the thigh pain interferes with your sleep, you awaken tired, stiff and sore. The movement becomes difficult, so your thigh muscles remain tense and painful.
"You know if you have fibromyalgia if you apply pressure to your thigh," says Dr. Davidson . Also suspect a case of fibromyalgia if you have a generalized pain that drags on for more than three months, especially if you're late forties or older. In addition, widespread thigh pain could occur as the result of a virus like the flu or a reaction to a diuretic or a drug against hypertension. If the pain gets worse, it could indicate a thyroid problem or arthritis.